Monday, May 13, 2013

Today's post was supposed to include a bunch of pictures from my excursion with Darby to the Maryland Faerie Festival yesterday. We had a great time, I took a ton of great photos.
Photos of Darby making her own set of faerie wings, photos of Darby sitting on mushroom stools wearing said wings (croak!), photos of Darby with the festival unicorn, photos of Darby picking out and riding the largest pony at the pony rides like a boss.

Except... I forgot to put the memory card back into the camera after removing the photos from grandpa's visit.

So a ton of great photos is actually more like ZERO photos.

On top of that, I left the camera sitting on the back bumper of the car when I left. Thank GOD that there was a family sitting in the grass in the parking area having a picnic who saw the camera fall and ran to the exit to make sure it got back to me. Yep.

So instead I leave you with this photo of an exhausted Darby running around in the common area outside of the house when we got home.

Happy Monday!

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